Post-punk minded quartet KIEFF combine their love for sonic onslaught, chaotic harmonies and the unusual to create exuberant and fierce songs. They travel from the Netherlands to visit Ramsgate on July 14th.Â
For those who loved Omni and Personal Trainer here – this one’s for you…
“Nothing short of a riff-filled, toe-tapping piece of art” – Spotlight
This four-piece is defined by its intriguing presence and their ability to raise eyebrows. Pleasant, yet intriguing chaos often resides in catchy resolutions and the vocals are applied in the same fashion. KIEFF’s compositions are mind-breaking, but they will never leave you broken. When enough is enough, KIEFF embraces us with comforting and pleasant harmonies, creating an undeniably convincing listening experience.
KIEFF say they like to make it so “people can’t dance to our music”, with a hint of sarcasm. They all collectively share the responsibility within the band, and ensure that it’s always fun for each other, so that they can all stand behind their music.
“There is something wilful and deliberately obtuse about KIEFF and their strange, moreish songs” – Louder Than War
“Their songs are very rugged, with sudden stops and starts, peculiar beats and jangly guitars; but all of these features work together to make attractive music” – Spotlight